Victor Del Campo

A título personal felicitaros por tan excelente trabajo, visioné la película, como todas las que seleccioné, antes de su exhibición en el Certamen de Cine Iberoamericano Hecho por Mujeres : Perú, es un documento visual importantísimo y creado con mucha belleza y con una fotografía excelente. Enhorabuena.


I watched it numerous times and the film in of itself is medicine. Medicine for women and men who desire to have their strength restored in Pachamama as living breathing being. It takes great courage to practice healing such as this when modern culture Read More cannot even see at this time that which is… Continue reading BB

MR Denmark

A little over a week ago we watched the Mama Irene film. What a moving and important story. What an amazing woman! Showing Mama Irene’s healing methods without filter, telling her story, see her walk around in the mountains, seeing how the beautiful masculine in Puma, Alfredo holds her space, respect and care for her……… Continue reading MR Denmark